Tuesday, April 22, 2008


My Past.
It was what it was, and it was sweet, and simple.
Sweet simplicity that will forever linger on in my memory...

He lies away from reality, asleep in a twisted dream.
She waits in denial, awake in wonder of this country and its impurities perpetuated upon her daughter’s aching corpse.
Her daughter lives in regression, dead within the confines of her childhood home.

Upon the sight of what encompassed the harsh truths, she crumbles in the bitter sweetness of what all 3 beautiful mortals once called home.
She looks through tainted eyes. The flow of the saxophone echoes through her ears. Her heart succumbs to an ideal of calm; reminiscent of home.

She looks still...She can see her childhood spirit sitting on the rocks,
She can see her Father’s red Toyota parked in the driveway,
She can see herself falling off her bike in dire need of help, being chased by the Golden retriever from across the way.

She can see it all, all in a dream of moments past. She bats her eyelashes, to make sense of the cloud in front of her. Her tears blend into the light radiating from the lantern. She comes to, and senses the physical sting of waiting for a moment that may never come again.

She can drown and the souls of time passed will no longer lend a hand...
No longer do a man and his wife lie sheltered in each other’s arms. The bedroom in the far left corner is void of any such fairytale-evoked emotion. That man lies alone away from the recent "love of his life" in their time of trials and tribulations....and, that woman sits up waiting, wishing and hoping...in the arms of a warm aura, transferred into a shadow...a manifestation of the sweet intimacy that sheltered her long ago.

She remembers in vain. She breaks down due to its enduring pain.
She is not ashamed of what she had; she is just saddened by the thought of no longer having it.
She hears the echo of that saxophone radiating heat throughout her weakened body accompanied by her soulful cry, and yet all she wishes for is just one more night...

Not just for her, but for all three beautiful mortals that transcend time, alongside one another with every beat of that distinct drum, and flow of the saxophone.

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