Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Thicker Blood Resides In Daughters

The only worry I ever had. Watching blood
thinner injected into your tummy; I cringed along with
your quivering lip and the rippling folds of your skin
on first contact. You are not the sole tenant facing
eviction with each implanted stent. I am at a crossway
of discomfort, facing doom due to your heart’s dis-ease.
Stretched out and labored into a white room, an IV
pauses for the kill. Angiograms leave purple welts on
your inner thigh…etherizing, narcolepsy arrests you
while kidney-shaped sick salvers wait to find you well.

Heart palpitations react to each medicinal dose fallen
habitually to desertion, grateful are those debtors awaiting
the collection of your unrestrained life’s ricochet, its
outstanding rent. This third strike, another bursting aortic
valve, had mercy on me. I had no fight left to battle but to
dress you, thin blood, in warm clothes and take you home,
never again turning our backs on this game of potential expiry.

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