Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Brave New Voices 2010 - "Favorite Color"

Our cries are solitary, intertwined by the need of opposite, parental genders. These words inspire me to create something my father has never heard quivering from what's left of the raspy ache in my voice. I want it to reverberate like this poem, resonating clear across the Caspian Sea that my mother and her siblings must've swam in as children. Someday, my father will learn. Someday, he will know what it means to tell your child that her color illuminates your dreams, that she was not a mistake and that she holds a vital space between the left side of your chest and your rib's incarceration. Someday, my father will know. In life or death, Someday's wind must blow over, and yet I wonder what color it is and if it has ever been loved itself.

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